VK API - get unique insight in Russian social postings 

The most popular social platform in Russia, with more than 95 million active users.

Try our VK API for free


20 million messages per day 

Stay up-to-date with opinions and trends in Russia with our VK API

With over 95 million active users, VK stands as the most popular social platform in Russia, encompassing a diverse user base of all ages and backgrounds. This makes it an ideal platform for businesses seeking to engage with Russian consumers.

To assist businesses monitor their brand, customers, and competitors on VK we offer an API that provides access to all public posts, shares, and comments, totalling 20 million messages per day. By using the VK Search API, you can gain valuable insights into what people are saying about your customers' brands and products on the platform, as well as identify trends and topics of interest to their target audience.

The VK Search API also serves as a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their social media strategy and engagement in the Russian market. By understanding what their audience is saying on VK, businesses can make informed decisions about content creation, community management, and customer support. So if you're looking to tap into the Russian market and connect with VK's 95 million users, consider using the VK Search API to stay on top of the conversation.


Our advanced VK search engine.

  • Search in social posts and get instant results in JSON
  • Full title and body text
  • Author ID and profile URLs
  • Photo and video URLs with metadata
  • Search by language

Product FAQ

What is the scope of the VK API's coverage?

We provide access to all public posts, shares, and comments, totalling 20 million messages per day from VK.

How frequently is the VK API updated with new content?

New content is added every second, 24/7, with minimal latency.


Can I use this API for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can. 

Does the VK API offer content filtering?

The data in our VK Search API can be filtered on keywords, time periods, type of events, type of attachments, authors, etc. All available search query parameters are described in our documentation on

What kind of metadata does the API provide for each post?

Apart from the title and text of each post, we also provide timestamp, language, post link, image links, etc. 

Do I need an API key or authentication to access the service?

Yes, you get your API key by signing up on

Is there a sandbox or testing environment?

Yes. On it is possible to test queries and search in our data directly in the browser.

Is there rate limiting or usage quotas?

Yes. The VK Search API is limited to 5 requests per second and API key. Trial customers get 100 free requests, whereas the usage quota for paying customers can be tailored to the customer’s needs.

What methods and data formats does the VK API support?

In the VK Search API, all queries are passed to a single search endpoint that accepts POST requests with JSON bodies and responds with JSON.

Is there any documentation or example requests available?

Documentation with example requests is available on

What is the API's uptime and reliability history?

Our API's historical uptime can be found on our status page:

Is there technical support or a developer community for assistance?

Yes. The Forum Search API has an easily accessible support form available to users logged into our platform. You can also always reach out to

Is there an API versioning strategy in place?

We implement updates to our API seamlessly to avoid breaking changes. Changelogs for all our APIs can be found at

Companies that have chosen Twingly

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