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Reviews API - attract more customers with customer reviews

Help your clients attract customers by showcasing what other customers are saying about their experiences.

Try our Reviews API for free


15 million reviews per month 

Leverage the power of customer feedback with our Reviews API

Do you want to show what is said about your customers’ products and services? Customer reviews are the key to unlocking valuable insights into their brand's perception. With our cutting-edge Reviews API, you'll have access to over 15 million online reviews every month from all corners of the world.

In today's digital age, online reviews hold immense power. They have the potential to make or break a brand or product, and that's why it's crucial to stay ahead of the game. With our Reviews API, you'll be able to monitor customer reviews in real-time, so your customers can quickly respond to negative feedback and turn it into a positive opportunity for improvement.

Not only can your customer keep track of their own products, but they can also keep an eye on their competitors. This information is a goldmine for decision-making and can help them gain a competitive edge. By providing a superior customer experience, they will attract more customers and boost their brand's reputation.


Our advanced review search engine.

  • Search in reviews and get instant results in JSON
  • 12 months of history
  • 85 languages
  • Search by keywords, rating, language or country

What is a Reviews API?

The Reviews API is a software interface that allows developers to access and retrieve data from various online review platforms.

With this API, developers can retrieve data such as review text, ratings, and reviewer information. They can also use the API to track reviews related to specific products, services, or companies, and identify emerging trends or issues.

By leveraging the power of review data, developers can build applications that help users discover new insights, improve their products, and enhance their overall customer experience.

Designed to be user friendly

The Twingly Reviews API is designed to be user-friendly and easy to integrate, making it a valuable tool for businesses and organizations looking to gain deeper insights into customer feedback and sentiment.

Product FAQ

What is the scope of the Reviews API's coverage?

We offer access to over 15 million reviews per month from around the world through our Reviews API, sourced from the largest product and service websites globally. 

How frequently is the Reviews API updated with new content?

New content is added every second, 24/7. Our dynamic data collection prioritizes frequently updating review sites, optimizing our data collection for efficiency.


Is there support for multi-language content?

Yes, we support reviews in 85 languages.

Does the Reviews API offer content filtering?

Yes, you can filter on keywords, languages, countries, domains, time periods, etc.

What kind of metadata does the API provide for each post?

Apart from the title and text of each post, we also provide timestamp, rating, author, location, language etc. 

Is it possible to add a review site?

If you have noticed that we are not currently covering a particular review site that you would like us to monitor, please let us know by filling out our Request Sources form. We will do our best to ensure that the review site is indexed in the future. Note that adding new review sites requires some manual work and comes with a small fee. For more information, please send an email to

Is it possible to backfill old posts when a new review site gets added?

When adding a new source, as many historical reviews as possible will be added to our index. However, in some rare cases it's not possible to index historical data.

Is it possible to monitor reviews for specific products or entities?

Yes, it is indeed possible. Please provide us with a list of the specific products and entities you're interested in, and we will ensure that all relevant reviews for these items are made available to you.

How is a country code assigned to a review site in the Reviews API?

This is done manually when we add a new review site. It is determined by the domain, whois information or any contact details found on the site itself.

What is the Reviews API's reliability and uptime history?

You can find the historical uptime for our search API on our status page:

Is there a support channel for technical assistance?

Yes, you have easy accessible support forms on our platform when you log in. You can also always reach out to

Technical FAQ

Do I need an API key or authentication to access the service?

Yes, you get your API key by signing up on

What methods and data formats does the Reviews API support?

In the Review Search API, all queries are passed to a single search endpoint that accepts POST requests with JSON bodies and responds with JSON.


Is there rate limiting or usage quotas?

Yes. The Review Search API is limited to 5 requests per second and API key. Trial customers get 100 free requests, whereas the usage quota for paying customers can be tailored to the customer’s needs.

What query parameters can be used for filtering and searching?

The data in our Review Search API can be filtered on keywords, languages, countries, domains, time periods, etc. All available search query parameters are described in our documentation on

Is there any documentation or example requests available?

Documentation with example requests is available on

Is there a sandbox or testing environment?

Yes. On it is possible to test queries and search in our data directly in the browser.

What is the API's uptime and reliability history?

Our API's historical uptime can be found on our status page:

Is there technical support or a developer community for assistance?

Yes. The Review Search API has an easily accessible support form available to users logged into our platform. You can also always reach out to

Is there an API versioning strategy in place?

We implement updates to our API seamlessly to avoid breaking changes. Changelogs for all our APIs can be found at

Companies that have chosen Twingly

Fractal is a customer of Twingly API
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Feel free to get in contact:


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