site blog api - three young girls taking a selfie after a game of fotball

Blogs API - we cover the global blogosphere

We index 1 million blog posts per day, from all over the world, and make them available in our Blogs API.

Try our Blogs API for free


1 million blog posts per day

Gain access to in-depth stories with our Blogs API

When blogs first gained popularity, they embodied social media. While numerous content-sharing platforms have emerged since then, blogs continue to thrive due to their distinctive ability to share in-depth arguments, stories, and perspectives. While there may be fewer publishers, the readership remains steadfast, granting each blog post a wider reach and greater significance in the media landscape.

We index 1 million blog posts per day from all over the world and make them available in our Blogs API. We add over 3,000 new active blogs every day, which is crucial given the substantial turnover of blogs in the blogosphere. If that isn't sufficient, you can effortlessly add more blogs yourself, and we will include them in our coverage for you.



Our advanced search engine.

  • Search blogs and get instant results in XML
  • 12 months of history
  • Sort by the most influential bloggers with our Blog Rank
  • Combine and refine your query with our query language
  • One and two letter word search
  • Search for tags in blog posts


Our blog firehose; get all blog posts in real time.

  • Subscribe to an XML-feed of blog data for one or several languages
  • Get all data per language and extract results using your search tools
  • Backfill support if you need to do maintenance

Companies that have chosen Twingly

Fractal is a customer of Twingly API
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World live blog indikation twingly

Visualising the global blogosphere in real time

Our world map visualization shows real-time global blog activity, providing an interactive way to track and explore blogging around the world. It is powered by our Blog LiveFeed API.

To the map

Average blog posts per day for the last 3 months

English: 550,274

Average new active blogs per day for the last 3 months

English: 1,709

Unique blogs with published posts the last 6 months

English: 1,228,314

Blogs API

The Twingly Blogs API is a valuable resource for  businesses looking to access and analyze blog data. With real-time search for blog posts, multilingual support, and access to metadata, it provides insights into online conversations and trends. 

One key feature of the Twingly Blogs API is its real-time search capabilities, which allow you to retrieve the latest blog posts related to particular keywords. This can be useful for businesses and organizations looking to monitor social media and online conversations about their brand, products, or industry.

Another useful feature of the Twingly Blogs API is its support for multiple languages. This makes it easy for developers to build applications that can analyze and understand blog content from a global perspective.

In addition to the Blogs API, Twingly also offers APIs for news, forums, reviews, dark web and other social media monitoring. These APIs can be used to track brand mentions, measure social media engagement, and gain insights into online conversations and trends.

The Twingly APIs provide a powerful set of tools for businesses and developers looking to tap into the vast amount of information available online.

Product FAQ

What is the scope of the Blogs API's coverage?

We provide all new posts from over 3 million active blogs worldwide. This gives you access to over 1 million blog posts per day in our Blogs APIs.

How frequently is the Blogs API updated with new content?

New content is added every second, 24/7. Our dynamic data collection prioritizes frequently updating blogs, optimizing our data collection for efficiency.


Is there support for multi-language content?

Yes, we support blog posts in 56 languages.

Do the Blogs APIs offer content filtering?

Yes, you can filter on keywords, languages, countries, blogs, time period, tags, author etc.

What kind of metadata does the API provide for each post?

Apart from the title and text of each post, we also provide timestamp, author, location, language etc. 

Is it possible to add sources?

If you notice a blog we're not covering, please inform us through our Request Sources form. We will do our best to ensure that the blog is indexed in the future. 

Is it possible to backfill old posts when a new blog gets added?

Yes, that is possible. We index the blog posts that are most recently available when we add the blog to our monitoring.

What is the Blogs API's reliability and uptime history?

You can find the historical uptime for our search and feed API on our status page:

Is there a support channel for technical assistance?

Yes, you have easy accessible support forms on our platform when you log in. You can also always reach out to

Technical FAQ

Do I need an API key or authentication to access the service?

Yes, you get your API key by signing up on

What methods and data formats does the Blogs API support?

The Blog Search API and Blog Livefeed API accept GET requests with URL parameters. Both APIs return responses in either JSON or XML format.


Is there rate limiting or usage quotas?

There is no rate limit for the Blogs APIs. Trial customers get 100 free requests, whereas the usage quota for paying customers can be tailored to the customer’s needs.

What query parameters can be used for filtering and searching?

The data in our Blog Search API can be filtered on keywords, languages, countries, blogs, tags, time periods, authors, etc. All available search query parameters are described in our documentation on

Is there any documentation or example requests available?

Documentation with example requests is available on

Is there a sandbox or testing environment?

Yes. On it is possible to test queries and search in our data directly in the browser.

What is the API's uptime and reliability history?

Our API's historical uptime can be found on our status page:

Is there technical support or a developer community for assistance?

Yes. The Blog Search API and the Blog LiveFeed API both have an easily accessible support form available to users logged into our platform. You can also always reach out to

Is there an API versioning strategy in place?

We implement updates to our API seamlessly to avoid breaking changes. Changelogs for all our APIs can be found at

Feel free to get in contact:


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